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Basic: Install as a package

You can install @aidbox/sdk-r4 via the terminal

npm install -D @aidbox/sdk-r4
pnpm add -D @aidbox/sdk-r4
yarn add -D @aidbox/sdk-r4

Advanced: Generate package from the Configuration Project

Step 1: Install Aidbox CLI

To generate SDK by your zen-project config you have to install zen-cli. This command will install the latest version of the zen-cli on your system. The -g flag tells npm to install the package globally, making it available to all projects on your system.

npm install -g @aidbox/zen-cli

Step 2: Install Zen dependencies

In the case you do not have zen-project configured - follow the documentation.

After configuration of zen-package you have to install dependencies (e.g hl7-fhir-r4-core) by typing the following into a terminal window

zen-cli zen pull-deps

This command will download FHIR Definitions All the value sets, profiles, etc. defined as part of the FHIR specification, and the included implementation guides depends on added packages.

Step 3: Generate SDK package

In terminal move to your zen-project folder and generate SDK by run the following

zen-cli sdk

After running the zen-cli get-sdk command, you should be able to find the aidbox-javascript-sdk.tgz npm package in the root directory of your project. This archive is generated based on your zen-project and includes all types of resources.

Released under the MIT License.