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Svelte Quickstart

Step 1: Create a Svelte app

Create a Svelte app using the npm create command.

npm create svelte@latest aidbox-quickstart

Step 2: Install the Aidbox Client package

The fastest way to get started is to use the @aidbox/r4-sdk client library which provides a convenient interface for working with Aidbox FHIR server from a Svelte app.

Navigate to the Svelte app and install @aidbox/r4-sdk.

cd aidbox-quickstart && npm install @aidbox/r4-sdk

Step 3: Create the Aidbox Client

Create a /src/lib directory in your Vue app, create a file called aidbox.js and add the following code to initialize the Aidbox client with your instance HOST_URL, CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET from auth client.

import { Client } from "@aidbox/sdk-r4";

export const aidbox = new Client("<HOST_URL>", {
  username: "<CLIENT_ID>",
  password: "<CLIENT_SECRET>",

Step 4: Retrieve data from the Svelte Application

Use load method to fetch the data server-side and display the query results as a simple list. Create +page.server.js file in the routes directory with the following code.

import { aidbox } from './lib/aidbox';

export async function load() {
  const { data } = await aidbox.getResources("Patient").count(10);

  return { patients: data || [] };

Replace the existing content in your +page.svelte file in the routes directory with the following code.

  export let data;

  {#each data.patients as patient}
    <li>{ }</li>

Step 5: Start the Application

Start the app, go to http://localhost:5173 in a browser, and open the browser console then you should see the list of countries.

npm run dev

Released under the MIT License.